
Well & Pump

OPS knows that water is critical to your home, farm or business. Our crews are trained to troubleshoot and repair problems with your pump and water system. Our technicians arrive equipped with the equipment and supplies necessary to get you going as quickly as possible and to get the job done right!

Water Tanks & Storage Systems

Napa Valley is a place of farms and rural homes that frequently supply their own water from wells or springs. In many cases the wells or springs have limited supply and storage tanks are necessary to act as a buffer and to comply with local building and fire codes. OPS integrates storage tanks into your water system for seamless operation.

 Water Sampling & Testing

OPS works with local labs and can ensure that your water is sampled correctly and delivered in a timely fashion for analysis. OPS can also help you review your water analysis and take the confusion out of interpreting results.

Emergency Service

Because water is essential for life, OPS has staff on call 24/7 to help our Napa County customers in the event that the water stops flowing.

Water Filtration & Purification

Thousands of acres of irrigation and hundreds of homes and businesses across the Napa Valley rely on OPS for the clean water coming from the taps and nourishing their plants!

Water System Operations, Management & Monitoring

The Napa Valley has many small water systems that belong to communities, wineries and large facilities. These water systems are regulated and monitored by local government for compliance with an ever expanding regulatory burden. Our staff of water treatment and distribution operators help over 30 water systems in the Napa Valley keep operations smooth and regulators happy. Furthermore, our staff helps these water systems implement automatic water metering, leak detection, as well as tank and pump monitoring. These upgrades allow remote monitoring, decrease onsite and travel costs, and ensure adequate water flow. These remote capabilities can also help ensure water availability during fire or other emergency events, and immediate notification of system problems.

Well & Spring Testing

With water as a critical resource for agriculture and living, OPS works with our customers to check and monitor well production and water table levels.


Portable Potable Water

OPS understands the inconvenience of being without water and the high costs for repairs during nights or weekends. OPS can provide a filled 725 gallon potable water trailer complete with pump and connections to supply water immediately until repairs can be completed. This buffer can often allow the work to be scheduled during normal hours for significant cost savings. These potable water trailers are also useful for events that need potable water in a location without water availability.